Older Adult Decision Making

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Investigating the neuropsychological basis of decision-making in older adults, social and contextual influences on shared decision-making and practical interventions to facilitate advance care planning, elder mediation and supported decision-making. This research informs a rights-based approach to older adult decision-making.

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Competitive advantage

Leading the field in undertaking policy-relevant research and developing guidelines for aged care organisations in this area. Harnessing the experience and expertise of people with lived experience of dementia, care partners, aged care organisations and advocacy groups.


Provided evidence to government inquiries relating to choice and decision-making in health and aged care contexts.

Successful outcomes

  • Cited within new Australian Aged Care Quality Standards
  • Used in guidance for aged care providers on meeting accreditation requirements

Capabilities and facilities

Opportunities to work with the Path Through Life (PATH) longitudinal cohort study, which has collected 20 years of follow up data from three population-based age group cohorts, to assess biological and lifestyle risk factors for cognitive and mental health outcomes in later life.

Our partners

  • Aged care provider organisations
  • Dementia Australia
  • Government agencies