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The development of new market-oriented energy systems and mechanisms for future active distribution systems, to respond to the needs and requirements that the increased penetration of distributed energy resources place on the distribution network.

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Competitive advantage

  • Expertise in facilitating peer-to-peer electricity trading among energy prosumers in the distribution network
  • Collaborative filtering technique-based electricity retail plan recommendation system for smart grid end users


  • The creation of a decentralized, secure, and efficient electricity trading mechanism in the distribution side that will enhance the experience of sharing for end users.

Successful applications

  • Multi-agent based electricity trading negotiation framework for prosumers
  • Decentralized electricity trading system based on multi-agent intelligence and Blockchain
  • The electricity retail plan recommendation system has been tested on the real “Power-to-Choose” retail plan set and Australian “Smart Grid, Smart City” dataset. The testing results prove the efficiency of the system

Capabilities and facilities

  • Java Agent Development Environment (JADE)
  • PLEXOS, PSS/SINCAL, and Matlab Simulators