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Researching, training and evaluating accurate and effective interpreting in domestic and international settings, with the focus on access to justice, language rights and fair and equitable outcomes.

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Competitive advantage

  • Unique expertise in bringing together those who are responsible for the quality of interpreted exchanges in various settings, where interpretation impacts on the course and outcome of proceedings
  • Able to build the capability of stakeholder organisations by conducting research that leads to training professional interpreters, and the users of them, to ensure the quality of interpreted communication and mitigate risk


  • Addresses the needs of partners such as courts, tribunals, police and other legal institutions, and language service providers
  • Assists national bodies to raise the standards for testing
  • Ongoing training improves the environment in which interpreters are involved and contributes to the quality of interpreted communication, the accurate transfer of evidence, and the prevention of misunderstandings and errors in legal proceedings

Successful applications

  • Leading contribution to the Recommended National Standards for working with interpreters and translators in courts and tribunals
  • Contribution to international courts’ guidelines on how to work with interpreters and trained court interpreters, prosecutors and judges at the International Crim